Jessica Jones: Hit So Hard

November 27, 2015 / no comments

Only a week after its release on Netflix, the web television series Marvel’s Jessica Jones already has the potential of becoming not only one of those rare cultural cross-over fictions, but a sociocultural watershed moment as well. The response on social media has been astounding and matches the quality of the show’s writing and production: acute and analytical reviews and recaps abound, and it’s been refreshing to see the internet sizzle over something other than cat videos — although I won’t deny those have their merits too sometimes. Continue Reading…

Nature and Modulations

November 9, 2015 / no comments


This blog entry is brought to you in part by Hedy Lamarr. Indeed, today’s Google Doodle honoree was the co-inventor and patent-owner of the scientific magic used in our current Wi-Fi and other wireless technology called “frequency hopping.” As the more intricate details behind this invention elude me, it proves easier to celebrate Hedy Lamarr’s multi-faceted brilliance as an inventor, as an independent spirit and as an actor by spotlighting one smaller aspect of her life: her early thespian career, specifically her role as Eva in the groundbreaking Ecstasy.

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